The main tasks of the ESA —AI are:
1. Increasing the pace of development of works in the
artificial intelligence through deep integration and harmonization
various fields of activity in this area – educational,
scientific, technological, technology development
artificial intelligence, engineering aimed at developing
applied intelligent computer systems, and business in
the field of artificial intelligence.
2. Joint solution of educational problems in the field
artificial intelligence:
– agreement and discussion of educational standards, educational
plans of specialties and programs of disciplines in part
interconnected, coherent learning paths in
the field of artificial intelligence to form the necessary
skills and competencies;
– formation of motivation of students to participate in development
artificial intelligence technologies.
3. Joint solution of scientific problems in the field
artificial intelligence:
– discussing the problems of artificial intelligence by
conducting scientific events (conferences, seminars, etc.);
– joint promising scientific research in the field
artificial intelligence;
– mutually beneficial cooperation of scientific schools and directions
members of ESA —AI.
4. Joint development of artificial
intelligence, ensuring the development of semantically compatible
intelligent computer systems and support for such
compatibility during their operation, coordination and
coordination of collective activities of developers
intelligent computer systems.
5. Interaction with business in the direction
formation of the market for intelligent computer systems and the market
knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence.